
Bizagi is really great - easy and great functionality, and best real good support! One Thought - Process portal Matthias. Publishing Comments: 4 Reply 4 years ago by Sandra L. Bizagi is the digital business platform for automating your business processes. Simple, scalable, reliable, and secure: Bizagi lets you create and transform without limits. Bizagi’s mobile application allows you execute and control your automated business processes from your mobile, helping you to digitize your organization at lightning speed.

Written inJava and .NET Framework
Available inEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Japanese
TypeBusiness process management

Bizagi is a privately owned software company established in 1989 with headquarters in the UK, and offices in USA, Spain, Germany & Latin America. Its name is a portmanteau of 'business' and 'agility'.[citation needed]

The company designs and develops enterprise software for Business Process Management (BPM). Its three products form the Bizagi BPM Suite.

  • ‎Bizagi is the digital business platform for automating your business processes. Simple, scalable, reliable, and secure: Bizagi lets you create and transform without limits. Bizagi’s mobile application allows you execute and control your automated business processes from your mobile, helping you to.
  • Bizagi is used by enterprises around the globe to drive Digital Transformation by brining Intelligent Process Automation to inflexible, legacy business operations. Recommended by Gartner and Forrester as the easiest yet most powerful platform for enterprise process automation.
  • Bizagi is the only Process Automation Suite running natively on Azure. Bizagi is used by enterprises around the globe to drive Digital Transformation by brining Intelligent Process Automation to inflexible, legacy business operations. Recommended by Gartner and Forrester as the easiest yet most powerful platform for enterprise process automation.


  • Bizagi BPMN Modeler is a freeware application to graphically diagram, document and simulate processes in a standard format known as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Using Bizagi Modeler, processes can be published to Word, PDF, Wiki, Web or SharePoint, or exported to Visio, image formats (png, bpm, svg or jpg) and XPDL,[1] to be shared and communicated across the organization.
  • Bizagi Studio is a Freeware Business Process Management (BPM) solution that allows organizations to build (automate) business processes and workflows. It acts as the construction module where users build process applications (user interface, forms, business rules, etc.) associated to their business processes and workflows, in preparation for process execution. Models are stored in a database and then used at runtime for process execution.
  • Bizagi Engine takes the previously modeled & automated processes and executes them across the organization. Processes automated by Bizagi Engine can be viewed via a Work Portal that end users can access through a PC or mobile devices.


Bizagi can be used to automate processes[2] and has made available a set of executable process templates that can be downloaded from Bizagi. The templates include Help Desk Management, Six Sigma process management, Personal Loans request, Insurance Policy underwriting, Transactional process, among others.

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In 2013, Bizagi introduced widgets to add functionality to processes. These series of maps, pie charts, calculators etc. are created and maintained by the public Bizagi Community via its Widget Xchange.[3]

See also[edit]


Bizagi Api


Bizagi Download Free

  1. ^Process Documentation - Publish or Export Bizagi Models, 27/10/2012
  2. ^Bizagi winning BPM projects, 01/10/14
  3. ^Link to Bizagi's Widget Xchange
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