Decrypt Keychain.plist

Decrypt keychain-backup.plist

Decrypt Keychain.plistDecryptKeychain.plist
Hi friend with this hack ,u will be able to change the default icon of ur pendrive to any icon u want.
For this u need to create a 'autorun.inf' file in ur pendrive, and copy paste the contents as follows:
icon=iconsiconname.ico <---------path to ur icon
label=Saurabh's PD <---------name of ur PD
ShellOption1Command=Softwareanything.exe <---------path to software to run after autorun
If u dont have .ico file and u want to change ur .jpg file to .ico .Link to this:
Enjoy with ur customized Pendrive...

As shown in Figure 1, keychain services handles data encryption and storage (including data attributes) in a keychain, which is an encrypted database stored on disk. Later, authorized processes use keychain services to find the item and decrypt its data. Figure 1 Putting data and attributes into a keychain. Read and decrypt keychain data. So the main file we are looking for is the Manifest.plist file. Or we can launch the keychain explorer and have a look at the. Read and decrypt keychain. IOS Application Hacking 3-days. Investigating Info.plist file. Steps to decrypt the iOS backup keychain database. Decrypting the iPhone keychain from backups.


Decrypt Iphone Keychain-backup.plist

  • Or we can launch the keychain explorer and have a look at the. Read and decrypt keychain. Examining Mac OS X User & System Keychains. The password is protected by a simple XOR encryption and is easy to decrypt using a. I checked the Manifest.plist file and the 'password' denoted in the file, matches my backup password.
  • As shown in Figure 1, keychain services handles data encryption and storage (including data attributes) in a keychain, which is an encrypted database stored on disk. Later, authorized processes use keychain services to find the item and decrypt its data. Figure 1 Putting data and attributes into a keychain.