Gerber File Viewer

Git Gerbv is an open source Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer. Gerbv lets you load several files on top of each other, do measurements on the displayed image, etc. Besides viewing Gerbers, you may also view Excellon drill files as well as pick-place file. Zofz 3D Gerber Viewer This tool is not as precise for viewing Gerbers, but it is great for proofing your PCB look, especially silkscreen, mask, and coloring. You can see the PCB in 3D which is handy for visualizing the design. It's available from Gerbv - a Gerber file viewer Gerbv is part of the gEDA Project - - About gerbv. Gerbv is a viewer for Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files. (Note: RS-274D files are not supported.). Try the online Gerber file viewer linked on this page. We strongly recommend the use of a stand alone Gerber viewer. What you see is not always what you get. Don't assume that what you see in your design software is what the manufacturer will see.

Use the free online Reference Gerber Viewer to visualize and investigate
Gerber X1 and X2, XNC, Excellon, NC and IPC files

Gerber File Viewer Mac


  • The reference for reliable visualization of Gerber files
  • Directly from the developer of the Gerber format
  • High resolution
  • Very responsive
  • Multi-layer
  • Displays all X2 and X3 attributes
  • Measures distances and clearances
  • Displays object information
  • Robust privacy and security

Intro movie

Do not take our word for it. Download the sample CAD jobs and test-run them on the Reference Gerber Viewer. Full DfM reports are available for reference.

Pcb Gerber File Viewer

Download sample jobs here.

Direct link to the free online Reference Gerber Viewer:


Gerber File Viewer Download

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